Crab Camp 2008. The legendary event that takes place in Newport OR. Home to the Rogue brewery and temporarily a bunch Gila IHC's, Hotshots, friends and girlfriends. Unfortunately the seas were to rough while I was there for crabbing off the boat. Instead we opted for crabbing off the pier. If you want to know more about Crab Camp you'll just have to go next year and find out!
Brief visit to the North Cascades. Thanks to Andy who picked me up in Seattle and put me up. We tried a hike but ran into snow deeper than we wanted to post hole through. The clouds rolled in and very fully burned off during the day. However, Andy knows the area well enough to still find some good views. Next time I'll visit in the summer or fall and bag some peaks in the national park.
Seattle city streets.
Recently I traveled to Seattle to visit friends Laura and Rob. Thanks for putting me up! I walked the city for a couple days getting used to my new camera and figuring out what I need to bring to Thailand.
The cider lives on! With only one gallon of hard cider left from batch one its time to consume for Christmas. Luckily another 5 gallons are in the works. You can see in the one picture how clear the cider gets once the solids settle out.
More turning! Two more bowls complete. Just yesterday I cracked a walnut bowl in half just as I was getting ready to sand. Grandpa thinks we can fix it. I'm not as optimistic but its worth a try.
--Tim Cope& Chris Hatherly - Off The Rails (10,000 km in 14 moths Russia Siberia, Mongolia & China) -- Dalai Lama and Howard C Cutler- The Art of Happiness at Work --Christina Fink - Living in Silence (burma under military rule) --Hunter S. Tompson - Kingdom of Fear --Suketo Mehta - Maximum City --Ewan McGregar & Charles Boorman - Long Way Down --James Michener -Caravans (Afganistan) --James Michener - The Fires of Spring --Mitch Albom - The Five People you Meet in Heaven --Tom Vater - The Devils Road to Kathmandu --Tom Wolfe - The Right Stuff --Tom Wolfe - I Am Charlotte Simmons